Giving The Gift of Dance: Koresh Kids Dance
Teresa started class by clapping, slapping, stomping out rhythms with her hands and feet. Without speaking, the 30-or-so 5th grade...

Tyger B: A Top Philly Choreographer and Jack-Of-All-Trades
Having a conversation with Tyger B. is like looking at him through a kaleidoscope. Each new change in topic reveals a different...

Philly Needs More Dance Programs Like These...
The mantra of this site is “Everyone can dance” and those individuals and organizations who work to make dance accessible to everyone are...

I Double Dare You Not To Smile
Seriously, how can you NOT smile watching these two? "These two" being Mari & Keone Madrid, West-Coast choreographers. They both started...

Bizzy Gives Back
"I am just trying to operate with positivity and let my feelings flow through the dance." That's what Brian "Bizzy" Linder, a...