Capturing a Moment that will Never Exist Again - Dance Photography
I have a cousin who is a photographer. Growing up, I remember her telling me about an assignment she had; catpure a moment that will never happen again. She told me about some of the photos her classmates submitted; for example, the needle going through a girl's nose as she got it pierced... The motion and the emotion could never be recreated just so.
Dance photography is just that; the capturing of one unique moment. Even if choreography is repeated time and time again, any dancer knows that every time is different. The movement, the thought, the focus... all will change with each run-through.
Juan Irizarry is one of Philadelphia's top dance photographers. His photos are versatile, evocative, creative and polished, not to mention beautiful.
Here's the first in our 3-part series about Philadelphia Dance Photo Project's dance photos:

The iconic background in this photo is so phenomenal it looks almost surreal (thank you Philly for the stage!). Irizarry loves that any Philadelphian who sees this photo knows exactly where it was taken.
Irizarry explained that this is one of his favorites for a few reasons, "among them the colors, weather conditions were simply perfect that afternoon we got just about the perfect amount of light, clouds and beautiful blue sky to make Center City the perfect spot to showcase these two World Champions of Dancing."
He praised the dancers, Amanda and Ilya Reyzin, saying, "Amanda and Ilya were just fabulous and their photos from that session are among the most beautiful on the project."
Stick around for parts 2 and 3 of this series showcasing some of Irizarry's best!
About the Photographer and the Philadelphia Dance Photo Project:

Juan Irizarry is a Philadelphia based photographer, founder of the Philadelphia Dance Photo Project. Juan seeks to showcase the city’s beautiful architecture, important history and diverse people through photographs that incorporate the vibrant and growing Philadelphia dance community. The Philadelphia Dance Photo Project has not been limited to just ballet, but seeks to capture all genres of dance. Juan became a professional photographer in 2007, he has served as president of local camera club’s, taught workshops on the basics of photography and won several international photography contests. Additionally he has a successful career as an IT professional specializing in database administration spanning more than 2 decades. Juan and his wife Millie offer a full range of photography services both onsite and at their studio in Philadelphia.
Juan can be reached via email at and via phone at 215-720-1575.
Article written by Hannah Lorenzo.