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A Little Motivation To Get You To Dance Class Tonight

It’s raining. The Blacklist is on. I’m just… too… tired…

All things I’ve said fifteen minutes before I need to leave for a dance class.

Some of us are lucky enough to be professional dancers, and so our work is dance. But for those of use who have to balance our passion for dance with work, or school (and even a few hours of sleep! Gasp!), it can sometimes be hard to stay motivated to get to our 8 pm dance class after a long day.

I’ve talked to some of our own Philly dance teachers the get the scoop on the best tips for finding a healthy balance between dance and other life responsibilities, and ways to motivate ourselves to get to our dancin’ asses to class.

1. Find the right class.

ŸWho’s Your Ideal Teacher? Every dancer has a different style, and so does every teacher. Strict or relaxed? Serious or hilarious? Reserved or high-energy? For 15 years, I thought I hated ballet. But really, I had taken my first class with a teacher who just wasn’t right for me. Don’t be afraid to try different instructors until you find your match.

ŸLocation! Location! Location! Nothing makes me slump on the couch and play dead more than the idea of 45 minutes of traffic and playing a frustrating game of musical parking spots, all to get to a one hour dance class. Luckily, we live in a city exploding with dance studios! With over 60 Philly studios, you’re bound to find one within a short distance (of course, for the right class or the right teacher, you may be willing to travel further).

ŸLook at your schedule. Don’t just look at what hours are “open” for dance class. Consider when you have the most energy. Perhaps you know your energy level plummets after 8 pm. Maybe going home between work and dance is your worst enemy. Have an “untraditional” schedule? Maybe you need morning or weekend classes. If nothing seems to work, don’t be afraid to ask instructors for private lessons. Though more expensive, instructors will work with your schedule, and you’re bound to get ten times the attention and guidance than from a group class. Plus, you’re much less likely to skip a private lesson!

ŸIt’s all about the Benjamins baby! For the most part, dance classes cost money. But, if you can find great deals, it’s hard to let yourself miss out on such awesome opportunities! Some Philly dance classes are simply free (such as Cuban Casino de Rueda classes every Friday night in University City), some are nearly free ($5 ballet on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 954 DMC, certain classes at Philly Dance Fitness), and most studios offer discounts for buying class cards. Plus, sites like Groupon and LivingSocial often have deals for dance students trying a new studio.

2. Find your inspiration.

ŸMusic, Videos, Photos Galore! Need a kick-in-the-butt to turn off the tube and head to your hip-hop class? Blast the best hip hop beats you know. Dragging on your way to bachata class? Find killer bachata moves on YouTube. Keep amazing dance photos on hand (like on your phone) to scroll through if you're feeling sluggish. Motivating yourself by surrounding yourself with energizing tunes and photos, and by watching the pros get down in videos will help you psych yourself up for practice.

3. Start with the first step.

Everyone who needs motivation getting to class after a long day admits that the first step is hardest. Loren McFalls, a long-time dancer, and a current ballet teacher at 954 DMC says, “I was in a class once where the teacher told us that we had already won by showing up, because that is the hardest part of any practice. There are many times that mantra has played in my head as motivation to go to class, especially after a long day.” Once one foot is out your door; you’re golden.

4. Make Dance a Permanent Part of Your Day

Think of your dance class as an essential part of your day – not an afterthought. “The secret is routine,” says Marianna Bel, one of Philly’s leading Latin dance instructors. Having taught salsa and bachata classes at the Reef Tuesday nights for years, coupled with early Wednesday morning work days, Mariana explains that at first, it can be rough, but once a night of dancing is ingrained in the pattern of your day, your body becomes used to it.

5. Buddy Up

It’s no secret – taking a dance class with a pal will motivate you to get your butt to class; you won't want to let them down. Simple as that.

6. The Juice is worth the Squeeze

Aside from improving flexibility, balance, memory, energy level and our overall health, dance just makes you feel awesome. So if you're fighting the temptation to stay on the couch, keep in mind how badass you feel after a dance class. Loren reminds us to remember “how great, less stressed, and productive you're going to feel after class rather than focusing on all of the elements of your life that keep you from your practice. Once your feet hit the marley, that report that is sitting on your desk doesn't matter anymore, and once you're able to harness that attitude, you will have mastered work/life/dance balance.” You’ll only regret that dance classes you don’t take!

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