World Dance Day 2015
I looked around and saw a baby doing yoga, a grandmother dancing hip hop (very well!), and a few college guys learning the basics of belly dancing. The vibrant colors of the classical Indian dancers’ costumes whirred by, and the click of tap shoes echoed. The sun was shining, and I was taking in yet another amazing World Dance Day in Philly.
World Dance Day (every April 29th) was established by the International Dance Council in 1982, and the 954 Dance Movement Collective in Philly organizes our World Dance Day celebration each year on the Sunday closest to April 29th.
World Dance Day in Philly is one of my favorite days of the year. Why? Well, first of all, it’s held outside, under the sun, at the Piazza at Schmidt’s. It brings together an incredibly diverse group of Philly dancers; Cuban salsa dancers, children dancing the foxtrot, an international dance troupe offering traditional Israeli dances, Indian dance, flamenco, contemporary pieces, and freestyle hip hop. Dancers of every age, color, shape and size take the stage, and wow the audience. Each year, I leave World Dance Day feeling nothing short of inspired and invigorated by the energy, diversity, and beauty I find at World Dance Day.
Aside from performances, the dancers also offer free mini-lessons. Take a zumba class, learn to tango, or practice your barre skills. Stick with one class the whole time, or get a taste of of different styles throughout the hour. One of the unique aspects of these mini-lessons is that the instructors “share” music; it is played through the main speakers nice and loud for everyone in the Piazza to hear. That means that no matter what you’re dancing - jazz, salsa or ballet, you use the same music. At first, I see people uncomfortable with this. But they adjust, they get creative, and they realize that a beat is a beat and we can all express our different dance styles through one song. “Wow! That was fun dancing salsa to ‘That’s Not My Name!’" a friend said to me after the mini-lesson. "We should try that more often… just putting on any song, and dancing salsa to it."
As if you needed another reason to fall in love with World Dance Day, it’s free of charge. It’s recreated every year right here in our very own Philly neighborhood, for us all to enjoy at no cost. I like to think of it as a little blessing from the dance gods.
Check out some photos from the 2015 World Dance Day Celebration!