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Can't Make it to Cuba for Some Cuban Dancing? Fine! Philly will Bring Cuba to You...

As much as I love travelling to other countries, I love it just as much when other countries travel to me! So, bring it on, Cuba!

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Say "Cuban Dancing" and it could mean a hundered different things to a hundred different people. Philly's own Latin Dancer, "Svetlana Cubana" brings different flavors of Cuban dance to Philly, on November 1st, for us to fall in love with.

At 4:00, check out advanced Cuban Salsa partner work with Christopher Rogicki (New York, NY). No partner necessary, but the more the merrier! At 5:00, the party continues with an Intro to Rumba with Gilset Mora from, well, Cuba! His workshop will feature LIVE percussion... always a treat for dancers. Stick around for the final workshop at 6:00 to learn the basics of Salsa Casino with William Sanchez from D.C. (not sure what salsa casino is? Check out the previous post on Casino de Rueda. Then say to yourself "oooh... ahhh.... I must go to the Philly Cuban Social!")

But wait. Your night of getting down Cuban-style isn't over yet. After the last workshop ends (at 7:00), you'll need replenishment. You've got a few hours to grab some Cuban food & drink (Mixto and Alma de Cuba aren't too far!). Then get back to Headlong Studio (at Broad & Federal) for the Cuban Dance Social where you can show off the moves you learned, you Cuban dancer, you.

To save yourself some dinero, buy tickets in advance by clicking here.

Here's the Breakdown:

Headlong Studio 1170 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19146

Workshops: 4-5 PM: Advanced partner class - Christopher Rogicki (New York, NY) 5-6 PM: Intro to Cuban rumba - Gilset Mora (Havana, Cuba) 6-7 PM: Intro to salsa casino - William Sanchez (Washington, D.C.) 1 workshop - $20, 2 workshops - $35, 3 workshops + party - $45 Party: 9PM - 1 AM: The double threat Cedric Teamer "The American Niche" AKA "TIMBA TITAN" $10 online or $15 at the door For tickets please go to (or click on link above).

So grab a friend, a date, or a stranger on the street who looks like he's got moves, comfortable shoes, and a whole bunch of energy, and I'll see you November 1st.

Article written by Hannah Lorenzo.

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